Gender Story: The Woman Dating a Banker and a Scientologist

Photo-Illustration: James Gallagher

This week, a female who isn’t catching feelings for just about any of those she is seeing: 28, single, ny.


9:50 a.m.

Jenna has already texted to see if we can hang tonight. I’ve blown the woman off for the past couple of weeks, and that I feel truly terrible about this. I am simply plenty significantly less excited observe their than the people I am online dating, all whom I’ve came across on online dating applications. She’s so much better than the others, and she actually is a baker (which means no-cost treats), so it is completely smudged that I’m not that curious. We met prior to the pandemic started and simply merely begun watching both once more. Unclear how long that will last, though.

11 a.m.

I have a dumb amount of work due these days. I am legal counsel, and since on the nature of my consumers, we are busier than in the past right now. I go into my office at home and then try to keep my mind down and focus.

2 p.m.

Rob messages. He is one of several assholes i am much more excited about than Jenna. He’s a banker i am witnessing don and doff for a-year today with spurts of more-frequent heat and periods of “I question basically’ll actually ever see this person again” distance. I am into him because he is assertive with outstanding penis; we like to celebration and enjoy yourself. Jenna is much more poetry and artisanal cocktails —sweet yet not because interesting.

9 p.m.

Both Rob and Jenna should hang, but i need to work late this evening once i am accomplished operating, i am very, extremely fatigued.

time pair

9:30 a.m.

Jenna has already been attempting for tonight! She asks basically have to do some virtual wine-and-cheese sampling along with her. I inform her the truth that will be that i do want to run various kilometers after work that is certainly really the only purpose. She offers to come more than and give me personally a massage after my run; she provides terrific massages. We inform her its a romantic date.

5 p.m.

Job is long and draining. I really don’t really like getting an attorney, but once again, I don’t consider most lawyers like being attorneys.

6:30 p.m.

Begin jogging. 1st I tune in to podcasts but that’s not offering me the energy I wanted. We change to


— that works.

9:30 p.m.

Jenna comes over and provides myself an amazing massage therapy, that leads to the night of fooling around. Nothing crazy. I go upon this lady and she’s a fantastic orgasm immediately after which she falls on myself and that I have a fairly good one as well. As she leaves, but I type realize i will not see this lady again. Hanging out together feels as though too much of a chore. I’m not sure the reason why.


11 a.m.

Jeff, another man i have been on a couples dating on with, messages that he’s around and would like to simply take me to meal. I really like Jeff much. He’s lovable, wise, amusing, profitable … and a Scientologist. I assume he is a Scientologist-light, but it’s nevertheless an integral part of their life. He does not always explore it, and I don’t want to make him feel evaluated. I’m very fascinated, but We will bite my tongue keeping from inquiring a lot more about his background and growing right up from inside the chapel. I understand their whole family is pretty active on it.

7:30 p.m.

We get together at a tapas restaurant and sit external, however. Jeff appears fantastic, and I like ways the guy smells. It really is best that you see him and not monotonous how its with Jenna. We drink lots of Sangria.

11 p.m.

We head to their place inside a fairly brownstone and have now gender. It isn’t really wild gender but it is routine, directly, “throw on a condom and bang myself” sex, therefore feels very good. I get off.


9 a.m.

I am fatigued and feel just a little strange about last night. I like the idea of casual sex, but sometimes the intercourse hangover tends to make me feel unsettled and stressed. I opt to send Jeff to your area of Jenna, in fact it is to express: I’m not attending see him again.

5 p.m.

That actually leaves Rob, the douche banker, nevertheless the one We have always desired most importantly. Once I’m with him I feel like i am section of a famous pair in a TV program, like I’m the bitchy hot bisexual and then he’s the hot dickhead banker. Our intimate chemistry is off the charts, and now we get one another in manners that no one else previously will.

5:15 p.m.

I text Rob we’re acquiring drinks today. He writes right back immediately, “Where?” I choose somewhere near me personally.

8:30 p.m.

Acquiring beverages with Rob is energizing as always. He is amusing and razor-sharp, and I feel amused by him rather than cleared by him.

10 p.m.

We go back to the house, and I also decide that since I merely had gender with Jeff, I should ensure that is stays stylish and simply strike Rob. No sex inside my human anatomy tonight. So I take action actually remarkably, and everyone goes home pleased.

time FIVE

9 a.m.

Exterior yoga class. Feels good to do something type typical — although the face masks are not ideal for strong, significant respiration.

11 a.m.

A long stroll that ends with brunch with many girlfriends. I am seriously the one who has actually all great hookup stories. I am not prepared settle down, and could work is simply too requiring permitting me to target really serious relationships; for the time being, casual hookups are the most useful i will perform.

4 p.m.

I text with a female I found online in the past, Lila. She was a student in L.A. in the past, but she’s recently get back to ny doing some modeling. She only flew right back, so this lady has to quarantine for another few days before performing something. I’m thrilled in order to satisfy the woman in actual life though.


9 a.m.

I wake-up to a lengthy book from Jenna that she feels left behind and like I slashed her off with these insensitivity. Since we past watched each other, I’ve been gradually ghosting the girl, composing back every 3 or 4 texts without much interest. I believed it can simply diminish. I do want to tell the girl in order to get over it!  Exactly why would you desire to be with a person that does not want to be to you? Which is a dynamic I’ll never realize.

3:45 p.m.

Rob wants to hang. However he really does — I blew him to pieces during my kitchen the other evening and desired nothing in return. I knew we would be hanging out tonight before he even asked. I tell him I’m online game.

6 p.m

. We meet at a patio bar with good burgers and begin sipping and flirting. It really is enjoyable. After a few years, i’m some fat through the drinks and burgers and decide i will not end up being connecting with Rob this evening.

8:30 p.m.

“Dude, i am extremely exhausted,” we say, offering him the hint. The guy appears bummed but claims it is all great and walks me personally the home of my apartment, holding my hand. A really non-douchey move forward their part.

time SEVEN

10 a.m.

My new vibrator came these days. I purchased it on line after checking out guidelines. I remove it with the box, and it’s thus beautiful. We decide to imagine a threesome with me, a lovely woman, and a guy with a giant penis. My imagination goes insane and I get-off after a couple of minutes. After, we get to sleep and sleep for a while.

6 p.m.

Nobody is trying to hang out with me this evening. I would need to get a hold of myself personally an innovative new harvest of crushes.

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